Lord Ganesh Gayatri Mantra - Om Lambhodaraya vidmahe Mahodaraya deemahi Thanno danthi prachodayath. Meaning Om, Let me meditate on that g...

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Lord Ganesh Gayatri Mantra - Om Lambhodaraya vidmahe Mahodaraya deemahi Thanno danthi prachodayath. Meaning Om, Let me meditate on that g...
Lord Shiva Gayatri Powerful Mantra - Recite for 108 times a day. Om Tat Purushaya Vidhmahe Mahadevaya Dheemahe Thanno Rudra Prachodayath. ...
Foreign Temples Lord Venkateshwara Temple , Birmingham , United Kingdom The temple welcomes visits by school children and visitors from ot...
Hanuman Gayatri Mantra Om Aanjaneya Vidhmahe Maha balaya Dheemahe Thanno Hanuman Prachodayath. Meaning - Om, Let me meditate on the son o...
KAALA SARPA DOSHAM OR NAGA DOSHAM How to find whether we are facing KAALA SARPA DOSHAM OR NAGA DOSHAM in our life ? In some Horoscopes (jata...
Mahalakshmi, who is the consort of Vishnu is worshipped as goddess of wealth. In the beginning of creation she took form from the left sid...
Lord Narasimha is the fourth incarnation of Lord Maha Vishnu who incarnated to kill Demon Hiranyakashyap and to save his devotee Prahlada. N...
Lord Narasimha is the fourth incarnation of Lord Maha Vishnu who incarnated to kill Demon Hiranyakashyap and to save his devotee Prahllada. ...
Saraswati is the Goddess of Knowledge, Music and the Arts. Saraswati has been identified with the Vedic Saraswati River. She is considered a...
Lord Ganesha is considered as the remover of obstacles and the lord of beginnings. Shri Ganesh is one of the most popular gods amon...
Jai Ganesh Girija Suvan Mangal Mul Sujan Kahat Ayodhya Das Tum Dev Abhaya Varadan Jai Girija Pati Dinadayala Sada Karat Santan Pratipala Bha...
Lord Rama is the one of the commonly worshipped gods and moral God to the present society, of the Hindu religion. Shri Ram is recognized as ...