Siva gave the leadership of hurdles to Vinayaka on 4th day (chavithi) of Bhadrapada month. On this happy occasion all people prepared kudumulu, undrallu (a type of recipe made with rice floor, jaggery cooked over steam) and other sweets, along with coconut, Bananas, honey etc. Oblated(Naivedyam) to Vighneswara and worshipped him. Vighneswara with a pleasing and satisfied mood he ate maximum of undrallu along with other sweets and some he gave to his carrier mooshika (rat). Holding some with hands, he went to kailas by evening, to pranaam his parents. While doing so, he tried to touch the feet of the parents with his hands, but the belly (on his over consumption of food) touched the floor, prior to hands. He was facing problem to make pranaam, Chandra (who is on the head of Siva) laughed at Vinaayaka sarcastically. Due to this teasing, Vinaayaka’s stomach broken off and undrallu that were in his stomach had fallen on the ground and Vinaayaka died. On seeing this unpleasant incident, Parvathi felt very sad and impricated (cursed) Chandra that who ever see you, they become sinners and they will be allegated with slanders. Slanders to wives of hermits
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While the seven hermits (saptha rishis) doing sacrifice (yaagam) and making pradakshin to Agni(god of fire), he tempted on seeing the wives of rishis and due to the fear of curse, he started deteorating. Observing this, the wife of Agni appeared as the wives, but for Damayanthi and tried to cherish her husband Agni. Saptha rishis saw this and thought that their wives are with Agni and left them. It happened so, due to the reason that, the rishi patnis have seen Chandra after the curse given to him by Parvathi .
Gods and hermits informed Siva the hardship, met by the wives of the hermits and Siva being the knowledgeable person, came to know and explained them, that wife of Agni had only taken the form (figure) of wives. Mean while Brahma came to kailash and gave life to Vinayaka and Parvathiparameswaras felt happy for the re-birth of Vighneswara. Then the gods and hermits who were there explained Parvathi, that these hardships are coming and all the people in the universe are suffering due to the curse given to Chandra.And requested Parvathi to withdraw her curse. Then Parvathi relaxed the curse and said that on which day Chandra laughed at Vighneswara i.e on 4th day (chavithi) of Bhadrapada this curse will be effected. Like wise, Brahma and others habituated not to see Chandra on 4th day of Bhadrapada.
Samanthaka Story
In Dwapara yug Naarada visited Srikrishna in Dwaraka and praised him. It became evening during their conversation and Naarada said to Srikrishna that dusk had taken place and because of Vinayaka chaviti, one should not see Chandra for to-day and explained the total story and left for heaven. Srikrishna publicised the fact in the city through announcements. Srikrishna, without seeing over the sky, was squeezing the milk to a bowl. He happened to see Chandra’s reflection in the milk bowl and afraid of the slanders he may has to face.
After somedays on the boon of Surya, Satrajith gained ‘Samanthaka gem’ and went to Dwaraka to visit Krishna. After pleasantries, Krishna suggested Satrajith to give the gem as gift to their king. But Satrajith denied and said that noone, whatever the close they may be, loses such a gem which gives 8 maunds gold a day. After some days, Satrajith’s brother “Prasena” went on a hunting in to a forest by wearing the Samanthaka gem in his neck. On a wrong notion that the gem has a piece of meat, a lion killed ‘Prasena’ and took away the gem. A bear killed the lion and gifted the gem to her daughter ‘Jaambavathi’ as a sporting toy. Next day, Satrajith learnt the death news of his brother and blamed Srikrishna that Krishna killed his brother and snatched the gem. Sri Krishna heard the propaganda made against him and understood that it is the effect of Chandra’s replica in milk bowl that he had seen on Vinayaka chavithi . To wipe-off the slander, he went to forest with his soldiers in search of Prasena. He found the body of Prasena and foot-prints of lion and after wards that of a bear.He followed the foot prints of bear which lead them to the entrance of a cave. There he found a baby playing in a cradle, where in the gem was tied to the cradle. Sri Krishna plucked the gem and started coming back. The girl started weeping loudly. Jaambavantha(bear) came in rage and attacked Krishna and started fighting with him. Fierce fighting went on for 28 days between Sri Krishna and Jaambavantha. Jaambavantha was exhausted. Then be came to know that the person defeating him is none other than Rama who killed Ravana. He surrendered to Krishna and made pranaam to him and said “Oh! Almightly, your are my Rama, and during thretha yug, you had given me a chance to take any boon from you and due to my foolishness I asked you to give an opportunity to fight with you and you said that my desire will be fulfilled in future. Then on wards I spent yugs by praying you. Now you had come to my place and fulfilled my wish. Please pardon my mistakes and bless me. Now I have no fancy over the life”. Sri Krishna was pleased and embraced him. He said Jaambavantha that he had been blamed of snatching ‘Samanthaka gem’. To wipe off the blame he requested to give the gem to him. Jaambavantha readily handed over the Samanthaka gem along with his daughter Jaambavathi. He came out of the cave along with gem and Jaambavathi. His associates who were waiting at cave felt very happy over the happenings. They all went to Dwarakapuri. SriKrishna invited Satrajith and assembled all at a place and narrated the total story to them. He returned Samanthaka gem to Satrajith. Satrajith realized and felt sorry for having blamed Sri Krishna unnecessarily. He again gave back ‘Samanthaka’ along with Satyabhama. But Sri Krishna accepted Satyabhama and asked to keep the gem with satrajith himself. Sri Krishna married both ‘Jaambavathi and Satyabhama’ on an auspicious day. Gods and hermits praised Sri Krishna and said, being capable, you could wipe off the blames came up on you, but what about the common people who are neither mighty nor capable. Sri Krishna said to them, who ever perform pooja of vinayaka and listen to the Samanthaka story, wear ‘akshathas’ over their head.If they did so even if they see Chandra on this day, they do not get any slander, he blessed gods. Hermits and all others felt very happy and thanked him. They returned to their places and every year they continued worshipping vinayaka on Bhadrapada chavithi of and lead their lives very happily and prosperously.
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